Upcoming Events & Gigs

2023 is shaping up to be a busy year. With my new writing coaching/manuscript consulting business, the Great Smokies workshops, and a growing number of visiting readings and lectures, the calendar is filling up. That’s a good thing. Hope to see you around!

February 22

Great Smokies Writing Program
Mastering Techniques in Memoir and Personal Essay
Leading a 10-week Zoom workshop (FULL)

May 6

Flatiron Writers Room
Read Like a Writer, Critique Like a Pro: Bringing New Life to Your Writing Group
Co-leading 3-hour Zoom workshop with Rebecca McClanahan

May 11

Jazz Hybrid Presents: An Evening Conversation of Poetry & Music
at Story Parlor in West Asheville
Hosting event and reading with poets Marie Harris, Jessica Jacobs, & Nickole Brown;
& musicians M Hurley & Linda Shew Wolf


Travelogue Book Release Party
at Filo Bakery/Post 70 in East Asheville
(Date to TBD)

July 16-23

Port Townsend Writers Conference
In Port Townsend, Washington
Leading craft workshops in nonfiction


Leading a one-day workshop in Utilizing Visual Arts Techniques in Your Writing at Story Parlor
(Date to TBD)


Great Smokies Writing Program
Mastering Techniques in Memoir and Personal Essay
Leading a 5-week Zoom workshop
(Date to TBD)

Sept 7-9

Carolina Mountain Literary Festival
Giving a workshop and a craft talk

September 14

Jazz Hybrid Presents: An Evening Conversation of Poetry & Music
at Story Parlor in West Asheville
Hosting night of readings and music, featuring Keith Flynn, Alan Wolf & the Dead Poets,
Mildred Barya, Brit Washburn, and Luke Hankins

November 9

Jazz Hybrid Presents: An Evening Conversation of Poetry & Music
at Story Parlor in West Asheville
Hosting night of readings and music, featuring…

November 21

Reading for Punch Bucket Lit
at Cellarest in West Asheville