Upcoming Events & Gigs
2023 is shaping up to be a busy year. With my new writing coaching/manuscript consulting business, the Great Smokies workshops, and a growing number of visiting readings and lectures, the calendar is filling up. That’s a good thing. Hope to see you around!
February 22
Great Smokies Writing Program
Mastering Techniques in Memoir and Personal Essay
Leading a 10-week Zoom workshop (FULL)
May 6
Flatiron Writers Room
Read Like a Writer, Critique Like a Pro: Bringing New Life to Your Writing Group
Co-leading 3-hour Zoom workshop with Rebecca McClanahan
May 11
Jazz Hybrid Presents: An Evening Conversation of Poetry & Music
at Story Parlor in West Asheville
Hosting event and reading with poets Marie Harris, Jessica Jacobs, & Nickole Brown;
& musicians M Hurley & Linda Shew Wolf
Travelogue Book Release Party
at Filo Bakery/Post 70 in East Asheville
(Date to TBD)
July 16-23
Port Townsend Writers Conference
In Port Townsend, Washington
Leading craft workshops in nonfiction
Leading a one-day workshop in Utilizing Visual Arts Techniques in Your Writing at Story Parlor
(Date to TBD)
Great Smokies Writing Program
Mastering Techniques in Memoir and Personal Essay
Leading a 5-week Zoom workshop
(Date to TBD)
Sept 7-9
Carolina Mountain Literary Festival
Giving a workshop and a craft talk
September 14
Jazz Hybrid Presents: An Evening Conversation of Poetry & Music
at Story Parlor in West Asheville
Hosting night of readings and music, featuring Keith Flynn, Alan Wolf & the Dead Poets,
Mildred Barya, Brit Washburn, and Luke Hankins
November 9
Jazz Hybrid Presents: An Evening Conversation of Poetry & Music
at Story Parlor in West Asheville
Hosting night of readings and music, featuring…
November 21
Reading for Punch Bucket Lit
at Cellarest in West Asheville

Meachum Writers' Workshop
Oct. 29-31
Meacham Conference, Chattanooga, TN
(Contact: Richard Jackson)

Flatiron Writers Room - Livestream
Saturday, September 12
Flatiron Writer’s Room
Asheville, NC
Memoir in Essays Workshop with Rebecca McClanahan

Malaprop's Bookstore - Livestream
Tuesday, August 25
Malaprops Bookstore, Asheville, NC
(with Rebecca McClanahan)