Travelogue: A Photographic Journey
A Photographic Journey
Born out of the pandemic, Travelogue: A Photographic Journey—a collaboration between writer and photographer, father and son—features nearly 80 of Charter Weeks’ amazing photographs alongside my “takes” on them.
Along the way, I interviewed Charter on his work, his approach to photography, and on his life as a traveler, street photographer, and filmmaker.
The photographer Larry Fink says this about the book: "A travelogue of sensitivity and loneliness. Unlike a symphony, this book has no real build to a crescendo, nor does it drain to a morbid end. It could go on and on. In it, there is a softly purring love affair with dignity and the small elements of pride which make up all of our lives."
Charter Weeks’ photographs are endlessly and subtly fascinating, deserving of the widest possible audience. We should be grateful to Sebastian Matthews for opening the door onto his world.
-Geoff Dyer, writer and photography critic