Beginner’s Guide to a Head-on Collision
Beginner’s Guide to a Head-on Collision
In Beginner's Guide to a Head-On Collision, Sebastian Matthews offers a glimpse into his painful yet transcendental journey of healing a broken body, mending a shattered soul, and the utter zeal of making a layup when you thought that would never again be possible.
With honesty and wit, this poetic memoir demonstrates how, chipped piece after chipped piece, Matthews and his family put together their fractured lives after nearly losing them in a head-on collision.
88 Pages | Paperback | Published September 2017
Beginner's Guide to a Head-On Collision offers the deeply moving poetic memoir of Sebastian Matthews's life in the years after the car accident that devastated him and his wife and son. The poems, which often read like electric improvised prayer-songs, intimately evoke the terrors and wonders of catastrophic physical injury and of 'life re-booted.' They are disturbing, eerie poems that embody the paradoxes of being The Dead Man at the crossing. They are amazingly honest in their hopeful, mystical sense of fate. In this unforgettable book, the reader is present at the scene of the accident where the hovering spirit that has departed the body addresses the living person re-entering his brokenness and answering for his transcendent awareness.
- Kevin McIlvoy, author of At the Gate of All Wonder