American Crow (2022)

The Life and Times of American Crow

It’s the early 90s: before the advent of the internet before cell phones magically appear in everyone’s hands. The Gulf War has begun. To Linus Grey and his circle of bohemian friends, this just might be the last, great gasp of “beat” culture. But what to do? Where to go? When Sara heads out for San Francisco, Linus picks up from the seacoast town of Portsmouth, NH, and sets out after her.

The original version The Life & Times of American Crow appeared a few years back as a limited-edition, book-arts collage novel—11 chapbooks coming together to create a boxed-set edition. To learn more, click here.

Now, after two years of collaboration with book designer Tess Pechenik, the pulp paperback version is coming with Red Hen Press in Spring 2022.

A full 260 pages, in both color and in black-and-white, this new version boils the essence of the original down into a readable, dynamic format that mixes together aspects of the traditional and graphic novel styles.


Beyond Repair